Estate Grown. Family Owned. Pool Friendly.
Our Wines
2018 Peacock Family Vineyard Rosé
$45.00 / 750ml
2018 Peacock Family Vineyard Rosé from the Don Miguel Vineyard in Russian River, Sonoma is a dry rosé, which exhibits beautiful light fruit with bright acidity.
2018 Peacock Family Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc
$45.00 / 750ml
The 2018 Peacock Family Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc is beautifully crisp with notes of lemon meringue, peach and kiwi. This wine is a perfect pairing with fish, chicken, and summertime.
2015 Peacock Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon
$135.00 / 750ml
This wine is rich with dark fruits, well structured with balanced tannins and acid. Sourced from our 6.2-acre vineyard, the wine reflects each vintage by employing natural winemaking techniques, balanced French Oak, and bottled unfiltered. Very limited production.
2014 Peacock Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon
$135.00 / 750ml
This wine is rich with dark fruits, and well structured with balanced tannins and acid. Sourced from our 6.2-acre vineyard, the Peacock Cabernet reflects each vintage by employing natural winemaking techniques, balanced French Oak, and bottled unfiltered. Very limited production.
2013 Peacock Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon
$150.00 / 750ml
A complex, full-bodied wine with lovely tannin structure indicative of its source, our pristine vineyard on Spring Mountain. With notes of plum, chocolate, and black cherry to name a few, This wine drinks beautifully now and will age gracefully for years to come.
2011 Peacock Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon
$175.00 / 750ml
The 2011 Cabernet can be described in one word: LAYERS. It is very complex: one moment it is full of ripe red berries, then next it is an old leather bound library book, then a bouquet of violets tossed into fresh hay, next a cinnamon sticks and eucalyptus.